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-What is Acupuncture?

Acupuncture is a part of Traditional Chinese Medicine which heals the body by inserting hair-thin needles into specific acupuncture points along your body’s energy pathway. This allows the body to activate its innate healing power and restore itself to an optimal state of health.

-How does it work?

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, disharmony and disruption of energy flow result in disease. The insertion of needles will stimulate the free-flow of energy thus restore the balance of energy and remove any obstructions of energy flow.

-Is acupuncture safe?

Yes, acupuncture is considered extremely safe. Occasionally there will be some bleeding after removal of needle, which will stop in a few seconds. Another common side effect may include slight bruising.

-Does acupuncture hurt?

Acupuncture is generally considered painless by most people. Acupuncture needles are often hair-thin and you will not feel the insertion of the needles.  Some individuals may feel a slight pinching sensation during needle insertion and dull-achy sensation while the needle is retained underneath the skin.

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